School District of Winter
Bylaws & Policies


The Board of Education recognizes that the health and physical well-being of the students of this District depends in large measure upon the cleanliness and sanitary management of the schools.

The Board directs that a program of hygienic management be instituted in the schools and explained annually to all staff members.

The District Administrator shall request that each facility be inspected for cleanliness and sanitation by the Director of Buildings and Grounds.

The District Administrator shall prepare, in consultation with the school nurse, procedures for the handling and disposal of body wastes and fluids. Such procedures shall include the protection of staff members who clean or handle blood or blood-soaked items, vomitus, saliva, urine, or feces; the disinfection of surfaces and items in contact with such matter; the disposal of such matter in sealed containers; and the frequent and thorough cleansing of hands and any other body parts that contact such matter.

The District Administrator shall develop and supervise a program for the cleanliness and sanitary management of the school buildings, school grounds, and school equipment pursuant to law.

The cleanliness of each school building shall be the responsibility of the Director of Buildings and Grounds.