School District of Winter
Bylaws & Policies


The Board of Education shall establish programs to serve children in the District who are identified as "children at-risk" in compliance with State statutes. This policy meets the requirements of State law which includes identifying and serving "children at-risk" students as defined below:

Students who are at-risk of not graduating high school because they are dropouts or are at least two (2) of the following:



one (1) or more years behind their age group in the number of high school credits attained



two (2) or more years behind their age group in basic skill level (math and reading)



habitually truant






adjudicated delinquents, and



eighth grade students whose score in each area of the student assessment was below basic level of failing and eighth grade students that were not promoted to ninth grade

The District shall identify all children at-risk enrolled in the District and assure that a plan is developed for each such student that describes how the District will meet each student’s needs. Each plan shall be completed on or before August 15th of each year. All programs and services developed for "children at-risk" shall be designed to improve and expand educational opportunities for these children on an individualized basis, through a variety of means (e.g., additional instruction, differentiation, intervention), and provide alternative courses or program modifications which satisfactorily meet the District’s graduation requirements.

Principals are responsible for identifying and addressing barriers to learning through a variety of strategies. The plan will communicate the structure, strategies, and program offerings for students at-risk which will vary by individual. Strategies for support, interventions, programs, and alternative educational options are made available to all students and at all levels as needed.

The Board uses a Response to Instruction (RtI) Model that is designed as a continuum for Literacy, Mathematics, and Behavior. RtI is defined as a systemic process for achieving high levels of academic and behavioral success for all students through:



multi-level, high quality instructional approached for general, at-risk, advanced learners, and special education student needs;



a balanced assessment system;



collaborative practices.

The Board will make reasonable efforts to help each student acquire the necessary skills, concepts, and content of course or subject area s/he is enrolled through systemic practices of RtI. Student capabilities will be identified for RtI using multiple criteria in accordance with District guidelines. These guidelines are aligned with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s recommendations.

The District will maintain an RtI Continuum and supporting documents which outline specific implementation procedures and guidelines that will be reviewed annually.

Parent involvement will be actively solicited to improve student success. Community service agencies’ participation and partnerships will be encouraged and actively sought to meet student needs.

Students shall be identified and referred to these programs and services in accordance with State regulations and guidelines established by the administration. An annual report concerning "children at-risk" shall be made to the Board.

118.153, 118.33(1), 121.02(1)(n), Wis. Stats.
P.I. 25

Adopted 5/16/16

© Neola 2015