School District of Winter
Bylaws & Policies


The Board of Education believes that the cooperation of school and home is a vital ingredient to the growth and education of the whole child. It recognizes its responsibility to keep parents informed of student welfare and progress in school.

The Board directs the establishment of a system of reporting student progress which shall include written reports, parent conferences with teachers, and shall require all appropriate staff members to comply with such a system as part of their professional responsibility.

The District Administrator, in conjunction with appropriate staff members, shall develop procedures for reporting student progress to parents which:

 A.utilize various methods of reporting appropriate to grade level and curriculum content;

 B.ensure that both student and parent receive ample warning of a pending grade of "failure" or one that would adversely affect the student's status;

 C.enable the scheduling of parent-teacher conferences at such times and in such places as will ensure the greatest degree of participation by parents;

 D.specify the issuance of report cards at intervals of not more than nine (9);

 E.ensure a continual review and improvement of methods of reporting student progress to parents.