School District of Winter
Bylaws & Policies


The Board of Education recognizes that depression anxiety, and other mental health conditions are severe problems among children and adolescents. A student who lives with a mental illness may not be able to benefit fully from the educational program of the schools, and a student who has engaged in or attempted self- harm poses a danger both to himself/herself and to other students.

All school personnel should be alert and report to an administrator or school psychologist, school counselor, or school nurse regarding any student who exhibits symptoms or warning signs of depression or who threatens or attempts suicide. Any such signs or the report of such signs from another student or staff member should be taken with the utmost seriousness.

District staff shall receive professional development training in the risk factors, warning signs for suicide and depression and about the protective factors that help prevent suicide, as well as the available resources regarding youth suicide awareness and prevention.

Additional professional development training in suicide risk assessment and intervention shall be provided to counselors, psychologists, and school nurses.

The District Administrator shall develop and implement administrative guidelines whereby members of the professional staff understand how to use an intervention procedure which includes the following:


Step 1 - Stabilization


Step 2 - Assessment of the Risk


Step 3 - Use of Appropriate Risk Procedure


Step 4 - Communication with Appropriate Parties


Step 5 - Follow-up

Throughout any intervention, it is essential that Board policies and District guidelines regarding confidentiality be observed at all times.

The law provides that any officer, employee, or volunteer of this Board who, in good faith, attempt to prevent suicide by a student is immune from civil liability for his/her acts or omissions in respect to the suicide or attempted suicide.

Using the Department of Public Instruction notice, the District Administrator shall annually inform the professional staff of the resources available from the Department and other resources regarding suicide prevention. The District Administrator shall also implement procedures to obtain payment or reimbursement for professional mental health services provided by any licensed treatment professional.

115.365(3), Wis. Stats.
118.295, Wis. Stats.

Adopted 10/20/08
Revised 11/16/15
Revised 11/28/16

© Neola 2016