School District of Winter
Bylaws & Policies


The Board of Education believes that the safety of students while being transported to and from school or school activities is of utmost importance and is the primary responsibility of the driver of the school vehicle. In addition, the Board recognizes that a drug-free and alcohol-free school and work environment is vital to workplace and school safety and to the quality of the District’s educational services. Accordingly, the Board has established this policy and others related to employees' health and well-being.

The Board directs the District Administrator to establish a drug and alcohol testing procedure designed to: (a) provide a safe, healthy, productive, and drug-and alcohol-free work place and school environment for all employees and students, (b) protect the District and students from losses arising out of or associated with alcohol and controlled substances, (c) provide an effective tool for deterrence of substance abuse, (d) provide an effective tool for detection of violators, (e) ensure efficient operations, and (f) satisfy the State and Federal (including the DOT) rules covering employees with commercial driver’s licenses.

The procedure shall test for the following controlled substances:





 E.Phencyclidine (PCP)

The procedure shall include the following types of tests:


 B.reasonable suspicion




Any staff member who violates the procedure shall be relieved of his or her duties as required by the DOT regulations and subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Prior to the beginning of the testing program, the District shall provide a drug-free awareness program which will inform each CDL license holder about:

 A.the dangers and adverse effects of drug and alcohol use;

 B.Board Policy 4122.01 - Drug-Free Workplace, Policy 4161 - Unrequested Leaves of Absence, Policy 4170 - Substance Abuse, and Policy 4170.01 - Employee Assistance Program;

 C.the sanctions that may be imposed for violations of Policy 4122.01.

The District Administrator shall arrange for the required amount of training for appropriate staff members in drug recognition, in the procedures for testing, and in the proper assistance of staff members who are subject to the effects of substance abuse.

The District Administrator shall submit, for Board approval, a contract with a certified laboratory to provide the following services:

 A.testing of all first and second test urine samples

 B.clear and consistent communication with the District's Medical Review Officer (MRO)

 C.methodology and procedures for conducting random tests for controlled substances and alcohol

 D.preparation and submission of all required reports to the District, the MRO, and to Federal and State governments

The District Administrator shall also select the agency or persons who will conduct the alcohol breathalizer tests, the District's MRO, and the drug collection site(s) in accordance with the requirements of the law.

49 C.F.R. 382.101 et seq.

Revised 1/21/14
Revised 5/19/14

© Neola 2013