School District Of Westfield
Bylaws & Policies


The Board of Education believes that school personnel have certain responsibilities in case of accidents, illness or concussions that occur in school. Said responsibilities extend to the administration of first aid by persons trained to do so, summoning of medical assistance, notification of administration personnel, notification of parents, and the filing of accident reports.


Employees should administer first aid within the limits of their knowledge of recommended practices. All employees should make an effort to increase their understanding of the proper steps to be taken in the event of an accident. However, any staff member or volunteer who, in good faith, renders emergency care to a student is immune from civil liability for his/her acts or omissions in rendering such emergency care.

The District Administrator will provide for an in-service program on first aid and CPR procedures.

The administrator in charge must submit an accident report to the District Administrator on all accidents.


School personnel shall not diagnose illness or administer medication of any kind except in accordance with AG 5330.


A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury. Concussions occur when there is a forceful blow to the head or body that results in rapid movement of the head and causes any change in behavior, thinking, or physical functioning. Concussions are not limited to situations involving loss of consciousness. Some symptoms of a concussion include headache, nausea, confusion, memory difficulties, dizziness, blurred vision, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and difficulty sleeping.

Each school year students/parents shall be provided with an information sheet regarding concussion and head injury. If a student is going to participate in an activity where a concussive event may occur, the appropriate release must be signed at least once per school year.

Further, pursuant to AG 5340A – Student Accident/Illness/Concussion Parents who inform coaches and teachers that their child is being treated by a healthcare professional for a concussion must provide written clearance from that healthcare professional for full or limited participation in class, practice, activity, or competition. Prior to receiving written clearance from a healthcare professional, students who have sustained a concussion may not participate in any school-related physical activities.

118.29, 118.293, Wis. Stats.

Revised 8/19/15

© Neola 2014