West Clermont Local School District
Administrative Guidelines


Any employee incurring an injury while engaged in his/her performance of District duties shall abide by the following procedures:

 A.The injured employee shall report to his/her principal's/supervisor's office and complete Form 8442 F1 before selecting a health care provider certified by the Bureau of Workers Compensation. A list of qualified providers is available in each building or by calling 1-800-642 PLUS (7587). An employee is personally liable for the costs of any treatment or care provided by an uncertified physician or hospital. The only exception will be if the injury is of such a nature that it requires immediate emergency attention. In that case, treatment should be undertaken and the initial visit is ALWAYS covered for a work-related accident deemed compensable by the Bureau. A report of the accident is to be made to the principal's/supervisor's office at the earliest opportunity.

 B.The appropriate form is to be completed by the Treasurer’s office for injuries involving outside medical costs and lost time injuries with less than seven (7) days disability.

 C.Dental injuries require an estimate and approval prior to correction.

 D.Except in emergencies, staff members are requested to use only hospitals and physicians approved by the Treasurer’s office and insurance carrier in the treatment of work-related injuries. Each school and department shall maintain a list of those hospitals and physicians approved for treatment of school employees.

 E.All necessary medical referrals shall be made only by physicians approved by the Treasurer’s office or insurance carrier. The Treasurer’s office must be notified of any referral. Upon completion of medical care by a specialist, the employee must first report back to the referring physician for release prior to returning to work.

 F.All physical examinations are to be given by an approved physician.