West Clermont Local School District
Administrative Guidelines


Pesticide applications shall be conducted by an applicator who is certified/licensed by the Ohio Department of Agriculture to use or directly supervise the use of pesticides in the manner specified in his/her certification/licensure. Applications must be made in accordance with the pesticide labeling, State and Federal law and regulations, and the pesticide enforcement policy statements issued by the Ohio Department of Agriculture. The applicator shall use the necessary safety equipment as set forth on the pesticide label or as required by the pesticide being used, including any necessary protective equipment that is appropriate relative to the potential exposure.

Classroom Buildings of Schools

As a result of the potentially toxic nature of pesticides, applications must be made in a manner to ensure maximum efficiency, with minimal hazard to students and the staff. In order to assure the safety of staff and students, applications should only be made when students and staff are not present in areas where they may be exposed to materials applied.

Pesticides may be applied on or in the classroom buildings of schools so long as applied for either the longer of four (4) hours or the minimum time specified by the label of the pesticide applied prior to the beginning of the school day; at a time after the school day has concluded; or when school is not scheduled to be in session.

The following pesticides, however, may be applied when school is in session so long as no persons other than the pesticide applicators and necessary school staff are scheduled to be in the treatment area during the treatment and for either the longer of four (4) hours or the minimum time specified by the label of the pesticide applied, if any is specified, as measured from the time the pesticide application is completed:

 A.manufactured paste or gel baits

 B.paraffin-based rodent control products placed in industry identified tamper-resistant bait stations

 C.termite-baiting stations

 D.rodenticides which are placed in wall voids or other areas that are inaccessible to humans and domestic animals

 E.disinfectants, sanitizers, germicides, and anti-microbial agent
  (The District is not required to inform parents of students, adult students, or employees who have requested prior notification should these be applied.)

 F.dusts used in unoccupied areas of the building or structure

When making applications of pesticides when school is in session, the entrances to the area in which the pesticide is applied shall be posted with signs that meet the following requirements:

 A.The sign shall measure at least eight and one-half (8-1/2) inches by eleven (11) inches; and

 B.The sign shall be printed with letters at least one (1) inch in height with the following wording: "Pesticide Treatment Area. Do Not Enter Before __________ [the date and time where re-entry will be permitted into the treatment area]." The time shall be the later of four (4) hours or the minimum time specified on the label, as measured from the time that the pesticide application is completed.

Lawn Application

When making application of pesticides the applicator shall be responsible for posting appropriate signs upon application. Any and all signs posted must remain in place for at least twenty-four (24) hours following lawn application.

 A.An applicator must provide Director of Operations with the information that is required to be maintained in the Lawn Pesticide Application records listed above and the approximate time of application.

 B.The applicator must also post at conspicuous points, including but not limited to common access points on the property to which the lawn pesticides have been applied, one (1) or more signs that:

  1.measure at least five (5) inches by four (4) inches on adjacent sides and be attached to the upper portion of a dowel or other supporting device. The bottom edge of the sign must be at least fourteen (14) inches from the ground and the sign must be weatherproof for twenty-four (24) hours;

  2.are in the form and carry the wording and warning symbol contained in State regulations. No company logos or other advertising graphics may appear on the face of the sign. The signs posted at access points must be within five (5) feet of the access point.

 C.In the alternative, the applicator may permanently place signs at common access points to the property that are no less than eight (8) by ten (10) inches with the following language: "PERIODIC APPLICATION OF LAWN PESTICIDES – INQUIRE AT: Director of Operations." The designated location must be accessible to the public during normal hours of operation. The applicator must have information required to be maintained in the Lawn Pesticide Application obtainable at the location designated on these permanently placed signs.

Pesticide Application Records

Records of pesticide applications shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years from the date of application. Records shall contain the following information:

 A.Classroom Building Pesticide Applications:

  1.name and business address of responsible certified/licensed applicator and name of any other person applying pesticides at the application site

  2.name and address of person contracting for service

  3.target pests

  4.location or field identification number of treatment area

  5.trade name (brand name) and EPA registration number of pesticide used

  6.total amount of each pesticide product used

  7.rate of application and concentration of pesticide formulation applied

  8.type of equipment used

  9.time or conditions for re-entering the treatment area as specified by the label of the pesticide applied, if any is specified

  10.date and time of day of application, including the time of starting the actual application and the time of completion of application or, if uncompleted, the time when operations ceased for the day, and

  11.wind direction and velocity, air temperature, and other weather or relevant environmental conditions when applicable

 B.Lawn Pesticide Applications:

  1.the brand or common name of each lawn pesticide applied

  2.the chemical type (fungicide, herbicide, or insecticide)

  3.any special instructions on the label of the lawn care pesticide product applicable to the customer

  4.the company name and telephone number of the applicator's employer

  5.the date and time of the application

  6.any other pertinent information required to be provided to the Board of Education by the applicator upon application of a chemical to the lawns in the District

Notification of Parents/Students and Staff

Within thirty (30) days of the beginning of each school year, the principal or his/her designee shall provide written notification to parents of students, adult students, and employees of their right to be informed before any pesticide application is made to the school property (see Form 8431 F5). The notice shall be on a form containing statements that pesticides may periodically be applied to school property and that parents, adult students, and employees have the right to request prior notification of such pesticide applications. The form will also state that in the case of an emergency, pesticides may be applied in classroom buildings without prior notice, but that those who request notification will be notified of the emergency application as soon as possible after it occurs. The form will also state that prior notification will not be given for lawn applications.

 A.Prior notification shall contain the approximate location of the application.

 B.The method of prior notification shall be determined by the District. Prior notification of application shall be provided to those parents, adult students, and employees who request notification.

© Neola 2011