West Clermont Local School District
Administrative Guidelines


The following guidelines are to be followed for any activity that involves fund-raising by students and from students.

No advisor for an approved school organization is to accept any form of compensation from vendors that will provide a fund-raising activity, including, but not limited to, cash, gifts, travel vouchers, tickets, passes, and other things of such value. In the event that such compensation is received, albeit unsolicited, the advisor shall notify the Treasurer, in writing, that s/he received such compensation and shall turn in such compensation to the Treasurer at his/her earliest convenience.

In any fund-raising activity involving students, the following conditions must be met:



Minimal instructional time is to be used to plan, conduct, assess, or manage a fund-raising activity unless such an activity is part of an approved course of study.



Fund-raising activities conducted in a school or on District premises are not to interfere with the conduct of any co-curricular or extra-curricular activity. Students involved in the fund-raiser are not to interfere with students participating in other activities in order to solicit funds.



Student participation in fund-raising activities conducted by school-related groups of which they are not members must be voluntary and must be approved by the student's teacher or counselor to ensure that participation will not adversely affect his/her school work and other school responsibilities.



In accordance with Board policy, each fund-raising activity must be approved by the principal if occurring on District premises and by the Superintendent if occurring off District property. (See Form 5830 F1 and possibly Form 5830 F2). In order to be approved, the group leader or advisor is to submit a proposal in advance of the event so that all fund-raising efforts may be coordinated so as not to burden or be a nuisance to students, faculty, parents, or the community.



Contracts with outside suppliers for merchandise to be sold in a fund-raising activity are to be reviewed by the principal and signed by the staff member in charge who shall be personally responsible for the merchandise and monies collected. The contract must specify that any merchandise which is unsold and is resaleable can be returned for full credit. The District will not be responsible for any unsold merchandise that cannot be returned to a supplier for credit for any reason.



The staff member in charge should establish procedures to ensure that all merchandise is properly stored, distributed, and accounted for. (see Form 5830 F4)



Fund-raising activities will not be permitted if they interfere with the District's educational program on nutrition.



If an activity involves the students providing a service in return for money, such as a car wash, a member of the professional staff shall supervise the activity at all times. His/Her responsibility is to ensure the service is provided in a proper manner and also ensure the safety and well-being of the students and the property of both the purchaser and the owner of the site.



Any fund-raisers that require students to exert themselves physically beyond their normal pattern of activity, such as "runs for .....," must be monitored by a staff member who has the necessary knowledge and training to recognize and deal appropriately with a situation in which one or more students may be over-extending themselves to the point of potential harm.



For any fund-raisers, including those operated by student clubs and organizations, parent groups, or boosters clubs, that involve the sale of food items and/or beverages to students that will be consumed on the school campus (any area of property under the jurisdiction of the school that is accessible to students during the school day) during the school day (the period from the midnight before, to thirty (30) minutes after the end of the official school day), the food items and/or beverages to be sold shall comply with the current USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards. Fund-raisers also include giving away food items or beverages but suggesting donations.

Revised 2/10/15

© Neola 2014