West Clermont Local School District
Administrative Guidelines


A student may be removed or excluded from a classroom or a school when s/he poses a continuing danger to persons or property or represents an on-going threat of disrupting the educational process taking place in the classroom or the school premises. Such removal may be for a period of less than twenty-four (24) hours without being subject to suspension and expulsion procedures. (see Form 5610 F1)

If a member of the school faculty removes a student, under his/her supervision, from a classroom or activity, s/he must submit to the principal written reasons for the removal as soon as practicable. If the principal should reinstate the student prior to a hearing following the removal, s/he shall provide the faculty member with written reasons for the reinstatement, if the staff member requests the reasons.

As soon as practicable after a removal in excess of twenty-four (24) clock hours but within three (3) school days, a hearing must be held by the principal. The person who caused, ordered, or requested the removal must be present.

Written notice must be provided to the student as soon as practicable prior to the hearing. If the probable outcome of the hearing is suspension, the hearing procedures applicable to a suspension, as delineated in Policy 5610, must be applied. If the probable outcome is expulsion of the student, the hearing procedures applicable to an expulsion, as delineated in Policy 5610, must be followed.

The Superintendent shall notify the County Registrar of Motor Vehicles and Juvenile Judge, within two (2) weeks, when a student has been removed from school for misconduct involving a firearm, knife, or other weapon as defined in Board policy.

© Neola 2003