West Clermont Local School District
Administrative Guidelines


Food allergies are a potential life threatening medical problem. The parents, student, District nurse, and staff of West Clermont Local Schools will work together to provide a safe environment for each student with this condition.

Guardian/Parent Responsibilities:

 A.Inform the District nurse, classroom teacher, cafeteria supervisor and transportation department of the student's allergy prior to the beginning of each school year or upon moving or changing schools.

 B.Obtain West Clermont forms (Food Allergy History and Medication Form) from the District website at www.westcler.k12.oh.us.

 C.Provide doctor's order and the medication if needed to the school principal.

 D.Provide doctor's order if milk substitution is needed at lunch to the school principal.

 E.Meet with the District nurse to form a partnership in the student's care.

 F.Inform sports/activity coordinator of student's allergy and provide emergency medication.

 G.Provide a picture of the student for the Emergency Care Plan.

 H.Consider purchasing an identification bracelet for the student.

 I.Notify the school office if a reaction occurs outside of school.

 J.Update changes in emergency phone numbers.

 K.Annually talk with the teachers and other staff when appropriate.

 L.Replace Epi-Pens or other medications before expiration date. Check expiration dates monthly.

 M.Educate student regarding his/her allergy, medication and treatment.

 N.Educate the child of self-management regarding their food allergy.

  1.Safe and unsafe food

  2.Strategies for avoiding exposure to unsafe foods

  3.Symptoms of allergic reactions

  4.How and when to tell an adult they may be having an allergy-related problem

  5.How to read food labels

 O.Parent will instruct child in the use of the Epi-Pen.

 P.Review with your child the student responsibilities listed below.

 Q.If food allergy is life-threatening, have physician complete a Medical Statement required meal substitution with specific substitution listed.

Student Responsibilities (Age Appropriate):

 A.Know signs and symptoms of their allergic reactions.

 B.Follow the ALLERGIC CHILD'S MOTTO: When in doubt, do without!

 C.Carry emergency medication responsibly. (Written medication order from physician must be on file.)

 D.Be able to demonstrate proper administration of Epi-Pen.

 E.Notify an adult if allergic reaction occurs.

 F.Go to Health Clinic accompanied by staff/student.

 G.Student shall not trade food with others.

District Nurse Responsibilities:

 A.Include the student's name on the Alert List.

 B.Write an Emergency Care Plan for the student and distribute to appropriate staff.

 C.Notify transportation department of doctor's order requesting that student have emergency medication on the bus if necessary.

 D.Identify and train alternate staff members to administer emergency medication.

 E.Review use of Epi-Pen with staff and/or student before field trip.

 F.Review the Emergency Care Plan annually and as needed with appropriate staff.

Staff Responsibilities:

 A.Attach pictures of allergic students to appropriate forms if possible.

 B.Orient allergic students to the Health Clinic as needed.

 C.Facilitate teaching a food allergy lesson in the homeroom classroom per request. (PS, K-6)

 D.Reinforce allergy education with student as needed.

 E.Review the West Clermont Food Allergy Program on Public School Works.

 F.Review student's Emergency Care Plan at the beginning of each school year and as needed.

 G.Place the copy of the Emergency Care Plan in the Red Alert folder.

 H.Identify the concerns of the students with food allergies and discuss how others can help them remain safe.

 I.Avoid food allergens in the classroom.

 J.Be aware that touching or smelling can also cause allergic reactions.

 K.Consult with parent and/or District nurse and check food labels carefully to prevent accidental allergen consumption. (PS, K-6)

 L.ALLERGIC CHILD'S MOTTO: When in doubt, do without!

 M.Communicate with classroom parents informing them of food allergy issues. (PS, K-6)

 N.Communicate with school health aide about potential risks on field trips.

 O.Insure that a trained staff member has emergency medication accessible for the student at all times on field trips.

Food Service Staff Responsibilities:

 A.Review annually preventative cross contamination measures to be followed during food preparation.

 B.Clearly label ala carte items sold in the cafeteria. (6-12)

 C.Provide an allergen safe area in the cafeteria upon parent request.

 D.Facilitate washing of cafeteria tables with soapy water after each shift. (PS, K-6)

 E.Display list of students with food allergies for cafeteria staff. (PS, K-6)

 F.Food serve managers are to read all food product labels and post allergens contained in foods being served daily.

Transportation Staff Responsibilities:

 A.Obtain training in emergency procedures for children with allergies riding the bus.

 B.Request completed medical forms if bus driver is required to administer emergency medications.

 C.Prohibit eating on the bus unless accommodations are needed for a student.

 D.Inform substitute bus drivers of emergency procedure for children with allergies.

Approved 12/18/12