West Clermont Local School District
Administrative Guidelines


Expenses which are incurred by classified staff members as a result of authorized travel in and outside of the District will be reimbursed to the extent provided for in these guidelines. Reimbursement is intended to provide for transportation, lodging, and food of reasonable and adequate quality. When traveling on school business, a classified staff member is expected to use the same care in incurring expenses that a prudent person would exercise if traveling on personal business. For out-of-state travel, consideration shall be given to relevant cost-of-living differences.


Travel within or outside the District is to be authorized by the Superintendent.

Travel to conventions or conferences away from the District which involve overnight stay will be authorized by the Superintendent. All such requests must be received in the Central Office at least thirty (30) days prior to the date a decision is needed. Forms are available in each school office.


 A.Each request for travel or conference funds should detail the reasons for the expenditures and should not be labeled in broad general terms.

 B.Under normal conditions, officers and classified staff members traveling on official business shall provide themselves with sufficient funds of their own for ordinary expenses.

 C.Travel should be by the most reasonable, direct and economical route.

 D.All persons authorized to travel on official business should keep a memorandum and receipts of expenditures properly chargeable to the Board of Education. Classified staff members might find it advantageous to charge as many expenditures as possible on credit cards. The itemized statement may serve as a receipt, with reimbursement available to pay the charges.

 E.For official travel other than by automobile, tickets may be purchased by the District in advance, upon request of the individual involved.

 F.In all instances of travel reimbursement, full itemization of expenditures is required.

 G.Those doing such traveling should be expected to exercise the same care in incurring expenses that they would in travel on personal business of their own. Excessive and unnecessary travel will not be approved or reimbursed.


 A.Reimbursement will be at the current rates approved by the Board. Requests for reimbursement will be submitted on Form 4440A F1 provided for that purpose.

 B.Travel outside the School District will be reimbursed at the regular fare rate charged the general public by common carrier, unless travel by private conveyance is more economical, in which case mileage will be reimbursed at the IRS rate. Taxi fare from home and conference destination to terminal and return is allowable with receipt.

 C.Employees shall request and accept, if available, the "government rate" on rooms.

 D.Reimbursement for reasonable charges for tolls, lodging, parking, taxis, official telephone calls, and tips will be made upon presentation of supporting receipts.

 E.Registration fees are reimbursable.

 F.Sales tax on hotel bills is reimbursable.

 G.If meals are included in registration fees, duplicate meals shall not be reimbursed.

© Neola 2005