West Clermont Local School District
Administrative Guidelines


Purpose of Testing

Testing, like any other element of the District's operation, should have a definite purpose related to District programs or State mandates. No test should be given without first defining its purpose and determining how the results will be used.




Diagnostic Assessments and Achievement Tests



measure a student's progress in achieving District learning outcomes



help determine student learning strengths and weaknesses and/or diagnose their causes



help assess the effectiveness of a grade level's, school's, or the District's program and/or identify/diagnose educational strengths and weaknesses



aid in evaluating curriculum and/or instructional strategies and resources



aid in diagnosing problems with literacy task-skills and in providing for appropriate remediation



measure the skill in a specific content that is expected at the end of the designated grade



measure student comprehension of academic content standards and mastery of related skills for the relevant subject area at each grade, kindergarten through eighth



Intelligence Tests


measure a student's mental ability as defined by the tests



Readiness Tests


help determine the appropriate time for a student to begin a learning program



Vocations Interest/Aptitude Tests



help determine a student's interests or aptitudes for comparison with those related to particular vocational fields



assist in the vocational counseling of a student

Uses of Test Results

The purpose for giving a test is to use the results to improve learning and to communicate with those concerned about how well a student or group of students are learning.

Administration of State-Required Tests

To the extent required by law, the District shall administer the State-required tests for students in third through eighth and tenth grades in accordance with the schedule established by the State Department of Education.

Item Analysis

If test results are to be used effectively, an analysis of the test items usually should be the first step. Such an analysis makes it easier to determine where students are strong and where the weaknesses are so that instruction can be geared accordingly. A proper analysis should provide the kind of knowledge that will not only aid in designing appropriate learning activities but in producing a more reliable assessment and more useful communication to both students and their parents.

Disaggregation of Results

The second step for the effective use of test results would be the disaggregation of scores based upon specific criteria determined by the District. Analyzing scores in this way makes it possible to determine if certain groups of students demonstrate particular academic strengths or weaknesses. Such analysis will aid in designing appropriate learning activities or intervention strategies.

Curriculum and Instruction

Administrators will be responsible for instructing staff in how to use test results to both refine the curriculum and improve instructional strategies and resources. To aid in this process, in-service programs may be necessary to strengthen understanding of how different kinds of tests are designed, how to judge reliability and validity, and how to use test information to diagnose and remediate.


Administrators should ensure that teachers and counselors are working cooperatively by sharing information derived from the testing program. The counselors should be using test results and analyses to help students (and their parents) develop a realistic and valid view of their current achievement levels and design and follow through on plans related to both their school and vocational careers. Teachers should also be aware of these plans to help support such plans in the classroom.

Communication with Parents

As one of the important partners in the educative process, it is essential that parents be kept properly informed of standardized test results, particularly those that relate directly to academic achievement. In communicating with parents, particularly with regard to standardized tests, the following guidelines should be observed:



Test results should be provided in context, that is, with the purpose of the test(s) clearly stated and the student's measurement compared to standards.



Communicate what the test is designed to measure as well as what it does not attempt to measure.



Seek questions, provide or obtain reliable answers, and, if the parent is not satisfied with the answer(s), refer the question to the next level of authority.

Use in Remediation and Promotion/Retention (see Form 2623A F1)



Intervention services shall be provided to students who score below the basic range on an achievement test.



Test results will be used by all classroom teachers to identify and implement instruction appropriate to the needs of students.



Test results may be used by administrators and/or guidance personnel in making instructional placement decisions regarding particular students, except that unless expressly authorized by State law, a student’s failure to attain a specified score on any state-mandated, statewide assessment test shall not serve as a factor in any decision to deny the student promotion to a higher grade level.



Special area teachers shall assist regular classroom teachers in identification of individual student needs and in accommodating instruction to the intervention needs of identified students.



Textbooks and other instructional materials appropriate to the intervention needs of students should be identified and correlated to the adopted courses of study and to the Ohio Academic Content Standards.

© Neola 2008