West Clermont Local School District
Administrative Guidelines


If a summer camp/program is related to a curricular or extra-curricular offering of the District, all relevant policies and guidelines of the District will be applicable, including but not limited to the following:

Policy 3121 - Criminal History Record Check

All people who may have care, control, or custody of the students have been cleared through the State police.

Policy 3213 - Student Supervision and Welfare

Proper supervision of students at all times in accordance with this policy should be an essential aspect of each staff member's responsibilities.

AG 2340B or AG 2340C - District-Sponsored Trips and Overnight Trips

If participating students will be involved in day trips or overnight trips while attending the summer camp or program, the conditions established in these guidelines should be adhered to, especially written parental consent.

Policy 5330/AG 5330 or AG 5330A – Use of Medications/Emergency Medication

In those circumstances where a student must take prescribed medication or be administered emergency medication while attending a summer camp or program, the procedures established in the policy and guidelines should be observed. Also, the appropriate authorization forms must be completed.

Policy 5340/AG 5340A/AG 5340B or Policy 5341 – Accidents, Illnesses and Health Emergencies

The summer camp or program should verify that it has certain procedures in place for student accidents, illnesses, and health emergencies which provide for prompt attention to the student and have been communicated to all staff and participants. Also, in the event emergency medical treatment is required, staff will adhere to the instructions set forth in the student’s Emergency Medical Authorization Form.

Policy 5516 – Student Hazing

All staff should be alerted to possible situations, circumstances, and events which might include hazing. To that end, the summer camp or program should verify that this policy is communicated to all staff and participants and that all hazing incidents are immediately reported to the Superintendent.

Policy 5517/AG 5517 - Student Harassment

The summer camp or program should verify that it has the harassment-protection procedures in place and they have been communicated to all staff and participants.

Policy 5517.01/ AG 5517.01 – Aggressive Behavior

Aggressive behavior toward a student (i.e., physical, verbal or psychological abuse), whether by other students, staff, or third parties is strictly prohibited. The policy and guidelines for reporting, investigation, and resolving complaints of aggressive behavior should be adhered to and communicated to all staff and participants in the summer camp or program.

Policy 5530/AG 5530 - Drug Prevention

There should be a strict policy communicated to students prohibiting possession, use, and distribution of any controlled substance or drug paraphernalia.

Policy 7540.03/AG 7540.03 – Student Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety

In those circumstances where students are permitted to access the District’s computer network and the Internet during a summer camp or program, the procedures set forth in the guidelines should strictly be adhered to, including written parental consent. Also, students must sign the Student Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Agreement.


If a summer camp/program is not District-related, the following guidelines will apply.


Any staff member who manages or is a participant in the camp/program must confer with the principal prior to talking with any student on District property about participation in the activity. The conditions described in AG 2340D - Nondistrict-Sponsored Trips will apply.

Under no circumstances is a student to be told that his/her chances to participate in a District program will be influenced by if or how well s/he participates in the summer camp/program.

Disclaimer of Responsibility

Prior to allowing a staff member to talk with District students about participation, the District will require that the student's parents receive a copy of Form 2430A F1 - Disclaimer of Responsibility.

© Neola 2008