School District of Sheboygan Falls
Bylaws & Policies


The School District of Sheboygan Falls believes that educational technology provides our users the opportunity to become a community of learners who live and work productively in the changing digital age. It is our district goal to provide technology resources to promote dynamic learning. The District believes there is value in learning experiences that exist beyond the limits of a school’s walls. Technology engages learners in effective collaboration, global communication, and creative and critical thinking.

All communication and devices that employs the District electronic resources, whether educational or personal in nature, will be appropriate to a school setting. These communications include but are not limited to email, newsgroups, listserv, social media, chat, wikis and blogs. Devices include, but are not limited to cell phones, iPods, iPads, laptops, eReaders, and cameras. Web spaces and digital content created and used are to be considered as an extension of the classroom and are subject to the same expectations for conduct.

The District shall not be liable for the users' inappropriate use of the District's electronic communication resources or violations of copyright restrictions, users' mistakes or negligence, or costs incurred by users. The District shall not be responsible for ensuring the accuracy or usability of any information found on the Internet.

Examples of conduct or actions not permitted include, but are not limited to:

 A.Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures

 B.Using obscene language

 C.Harassing, insulting or attacking others

 D.Damaging computers, computer systems or computer networks

 E.Violating copyright laws

 F.Using others' passwords

 G.Trespassing in others' folders, work or files

 H.Intentionally wasting limited resources

 I.Employing the network for commercial purposes

 J.Using district email to advertise non-school related activities

 K.Installing unauthorized software

 L.Any other actions not consistent with district policy and regulations.

Electronic services, including but not limited to: E-mail, Internet, Telephone, Library or Network access, are owned by The School District of Sheboygan Falls. All data, applications and communications are the property of The School District of Sheboygan Falls, not the property of the individual.

Network and Internet access is provided as a tool for your education. The Sheboygan Falls School District reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review and store at any time and without prior notice any and all usage of the computer network and Internet access and any and all information transmitted or received in connection with such usage. All such information files shall be and remain the property of the School District and no user shall have any expectation of privacy regarding such materials.

Pursuant to Federal law, students shall receive education about the following: and security while using e-mail, chat rooms, social media, and other forms of direct electronic communications;

 B.the dangers inherent with the online disclosure personally identifiable information;

 C.the consequences of unauthorized access (e.g. "hacking") cyberbullying, and other unlawful or inappropriate activities by students online; and

 D.unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors.

Staff members shall provide instruction for their students regarding the appropriate use of technology and online safety and security as specified above.

Furthermore, staff members will monitor the online activities of students while at school. Monitoring may include, but is not necessarily limited to, visual observations of online activities during class sessions; or use of specific monitoring tools to review browser history and network, server, and computer logs.

In accordance with requirements of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), the District uses independently-supplied facilities to identify and block internet content that is inconsistent with the educational, administrative and professional development goals of the district. The District will make best efforts to prevent users from accessing or transmitting visual depictions of material deemed inappropriate and any material deemed harmful to minors as those terms are defined in CIPA. In addition, internet safety curriculum including but not limited to cyberbullying, netiquette, who to trust online, social media, use of wiki's and blogs, and appropriate online behavior will be taught at each grade level starting with 4K.

Federal and State confidentiality laws forbid schools and their employees from using or disclosing student education records without parental consent. See Policy 8330. Education records include a wide variety of information; posting personally identifiable information about students is not permitted. Staff members who violate State or Federal confidentiality laws or privacy laws related to the disclosure of confidential employee information may be disciplined.

The most current version of this Policy is posted on the School District of Sheboygan Falls website and available upon request from each building’s main office. Failure to comply with this policy may result in the temporary or permanent revocation of access to electronic services. Additional disciplinary action appropriate to the violation may be taken. The AUP will be revisited, at a minimum, on a yearly basis, but may be modified more frequently based on the needs of students and staff.

User Agreement

I have read the School District of Sheboygan Falls’ Acceptable Use Policy Agreement. I agree to follow the rules contained in this Policy. I understand that if I violate the rules my account can be terminated and I may face other disciplinary measures.

Employee Name: (Print): ________________________________________

Employee Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ___________

Adopted 5/16/11
Revised 6/20/11
Revised 6/18/12