The School Board of Polk County
Bylaws & Policies
Unless a specific policy has been amended and the date the policy was revised is noted at the bottom of that policy, the bylaws and policies of The School Board of Polk County were adopted on November 12, 2013 and were in effect beginning November 12, 2013.


As required by law, the School Board establishes the following wellness policy for the District. This policy was developed in accordance with the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, Public Law 108.265, Section 204.

The Board believes that good health fosters student attendance and achievement. The Board also believes that a healthy staff is a more effective staff and that healthy staff members can serve as role models for healthy lifestyles. The Board is, therefore, committed to provide school and worksite environments that promote and protect children’s health, well-being, and ability to learn and employees’ health and well-being by promoting and supporting healthy eating, physical activity and healthy lifestyles. This policy encourages a holistic approach to student and staff wellness that is sensitive to individual and community needs by maximizing community and District resources to support optimal health.

The Board, however, believes this effort to support the students' development of healthy behaviors and habits with regard to eating and exercise cannot be accomplished by the schools alone. It will be necessary for not only the staff, but also parents and the public at large to be involved in a community-wide effort to promote, support, and model such healthy behaviors and habits.

The Board sets the following goals in an effort to enable students to establish good health and nutrition habits:



With regard to promotion and nutrition education, the District shall:



Nutrition education shall be included in the sequential, comprehensive Health curriculum in accordance with the curriculum standards and benchmarks established by the State.



Nutrition education shall be integrated into other subject areas of the curriculum, when appropriate.



Nutrition education shall extend beyond the school and will involve sharing information with families and the broader community to positively impact students and the health of the community.



The School Nutrition Department website will provide monthly nutrition information to parents and students. Links will be provided to quality nutrition information and educational websites. School menus, nutrient composition of foods, and a list of a la carte items will be posted on the website.



Families will be encouraged to teach their children about health and nutrition and to provide nutritious meals for their families.



With regard to physical activity, the District shall:



Physical Education



A sequential, comprehensive physical education program shall be provided for students in K-12 in accordance with the standards and benchmarks established by the State.



All students in grades K-12, including those with disabilities, special health care needs and in alternative educational settings (to the extent consistent with the students' IEPs), shall receive physical education for the entire school year, for 150 minutes per week for K-5 students, a minimum of one (1) semester yearly for students in grades 6-8, and a minimum of two (2) semester, including personal fitness, in grades 9-12.



The physical education curriculum shall provide sequential instruction related to the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to participate in lifelong, health-enhancing physical activity.



Physical education classes shall provide students with opportunities to learn, practice, and be assessed on developmentally appropriate motor skills and social skills, as well as knowledge. A nationally recognized and validated pre- and post-physical fitness assessment that assesses the five (5) health related areas of fitness - body composition, cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, and muscular strength - will be required. Schools will report results to parents.



Planned instruction in physical education shall require students to be engaged in moderate to vigorous physical activity for at least fifty percent (50%) of scheduled class time.



Properly certificated, highly qualified teachers shall provide all instruction in physical education.



Physical education teachers should receive professional development and certification opportunities.



Schools will promote physical activity in the schools outside of physical education and strive to provide opportunities for students.



Schools will strive to meet the goal of teacher/student ratio in physical education of 1:25 (elementary) and 1:35 (secondary) for safe and optimal instruction.



The District will ensure that adequate equipment and facilities are available for all students.



Physical Activity



Schools will refrain from using physical activity for punishment or withholding physical activity for academic or behavioral remediation during physical education.



Physical activity and movement shall be integrated, when possible, across the curricula and throughout the school day.



Schools shall encourage families to provide physical activity outside the regular school day, such as outdoor play at home, participation in sports sponsored by community agencies or organizations, and in lifelong physical activities.



Structured and organized physical activity outside of physical education will be allowed and promoted.



All eligible students in grades 9-12 shall have the opportunity to participate in interscholastic sports programs.



Schools will strive to meet physical activity consistent with research recommendations at the national and State levels. Opportunity for physical activity should last fifteen (15) minutes or more, approximately every two (2) hours (elementary).



With regard to nutrition guidelines for all foods on campus the District shall:



School Meals Program


In accordance with Policy 8500, entitled School Nutrition Program, the school nutrition program shall comply with Federal and State regulations pertaining to the selection, preparation, consumption, and disposal of food and beverages as well as to the fiscal management of the program.


All reimbursable meals will be consistent with Dietary Guidelines for Americans.


Student preferences as well as health will be taken into consideration during menu planning in order to provide nutritious, appealing, and culturally diverse meals.



Student and School Nutrition Manager Menu Surveys will be conducted.



Student taste testing of food items is a bid requirement when considering new menu items.


All elementary, middle and high schools will be required to offer a reimbursable breakfast. The School District will not offer a free universal breakfast program in schools with eighty percent (80%) or more students eligible for free or reduced lunch price meals unless the program participates in the USDA Community Eligibility Provision.



Eating Environment



Meals will not be used as rewards or discipline for student behaviors.



The schools shall provide at least ten (10) minutes for breakfast and twenty (20) minutes for lunch from the time the student is seated.



Lunch periods shall be scheduled between 10 am and 2 pm.



Cafeterias should include enough serving areas so that students do not have to spend too much time waiting in line.



The school shall provide attractive, clean environments and have enough space for seating all students.



The schools may provide opportunities for staff, parents, and other community members to model healthy eating habits by dining with students in the school dining areas.



Schools in our system utilize electronic identification and payment systems, therefore, eliminating any stigma or identification of students eligible to receive free and/or reduced meals.



Students are discouraged from sharing their foods or beverages with one another during meal times, given concerns about allergies and other restrictions on some students' diets.



Food Safety/Food Security


All foods made available on campus comply with the State and local food safety and sanitation regulations. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) plans and guidelines are implemented to prevent food borne illness in schools. For specific guidance, refer to the Student Health Services Manual.


For the safety and security of the food and facility, access to the school nutrition operations is limited to Child Nutrition staff and authorized personnel.


For the safety and security of the food and facility, use of the school nutrition storage areas are limited to the storage of food served as part of the National School Meals Program or food that has been purchased and prepared by school nutrition staff for the school.


During an after school event in which permission by the Board has been granted, the school nutrition preparation and storage facilities may be used. Authorized school nutrition personnel must be present during the event and the storage facilities may not be used.


For further guidance see the US Department of Agriculture food security guidelines.



Child Nutrition Operations


The school nutrition program will strive to be financially self-supporting; however, if it is necessary to subsidize the operation, it will not be through the sale of foods with minimal nutritious value.


The school nutrition program will provide all students affordable access to the varied and nutritious foods they need to be healthy and to learn well.


The school will strive to increase participation in the available Federal Child Nutrition programs (school lunch, school breakfast, after-school snack, and summer school nutrition programs).


The school nutrition program shall be administered by a director who is properly qualified, certificated, licensed, or credentialed, according to current professional standards.


School nutrition staff will be properly trained according to current professional standards and will regularly participate in professional development activities.



Each school nutrition manager is required to complete the School Nutrition Leadership Training and yearly professional development activities.



Each school nutrition assistant is required to complete the following school nutrition courses: Foundations, Quantity Cooking, Use and Care of Equipment and Introductory Nutrition.



District Nutrition Standards


All foods and beverages available to students during the school day shall be served with consideration for promoting student health and well-being and will meet the nutrient standards as defined by USDA Regulation 7 C.F.R. Part 210.11 sections f-m (hereby referred to as USDA nutrient standards). In accordance with Policy 8550, entitled Competitive Food Sales, the school nutrition department shall be the sole provider of food and beverages during the school day. USDA Regulation 7 C.F.R. Part 210.11 defines the school day as: "the period from the midnight before, to thirty (30) minutes after the end of the school day".


Promotional activities will be limited to programs that are requested by school officials to support teaching and learning. All promotional activities in schools will be connected to activities that encourage physical activity, academic achievement, or positive youth development and are in compliance with local guidelines.


School Parties and Other Activities


Food and beverages provided to students outside of the National School Breakfast or Lunch Program shall not be served during breakfast or lunch meal service times.


Exemptions to USDA Nutrient Standards:


Elementary Schools - Any activity during the school day, involving food and/or beverages that do not meet the USDA Nutrient Standards, will be limited to once per month per classroom.


Secondary Schools - Any activity during the school day involving food and/or beverages that do not meet the USDA Nutrient Standards will be limited to ten (10) times per school year.


Healthy attitudes about food will be promoted. Suggestions for appropriate non-food rewards may be found on the Student Wellness webpage, however, schools should strive to promote a sense of pride and accomplishment as the primary reward.


Classroom Snacks


Classroom snacks will include only healthy choices, which meet the USDA Nutrient Standards. Emphasis should be placed on offering fruits and/or vegetables as the primary snack and water as the primary beverage. A list of healthy classroom snacks suggestions can be found on the Student Wellness webpage.


After school snacks served as part of the Federal After School Snack Program will meet the Federal guidelines.




The sale of food and /or beverages to students will not be permitted during the school day. USDA Regulation 7 C.F.R. Part 210.11 defines the school day as: "the period from the midnight before, to thirty (30) minutes after the end of the official school day". Food and beverages that are sold during after school events and concession stands will include healthy choices.


Fund-raisers not associated with the school in which food and/or beverages are being sold should not be sold during the school day. (Example: Girl Scout Cookies)


A La Carte Food


Foods may be sold a la carte by the school nutrition department in compliance with USDA Regulation 7 C.F.R. Parts 210 and 220.




Foods and beverages sold to students through vending machines will meet the USDA nutrient standards.


Beverage Contracts - No carbonated beverages will be sold on school grounds with the exception of machines not accessible to students.


Food and beverage providers will take every measure to ensure that student access to foods and beverages meet Federal, State, and local laws and guidelines. Food providers will offer a variety of age appropriate health food and beverage selections for elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools.



With regard to other school-based activities:



Wellness policy guidelines and goals will be considered in planning all school-based activities (such as school events, field trips, dances, and assemblies).



Support of the health of all students will be demonstrated by implementing coordinated school health programs in every school, hosting health clinics, health screenings and helping to enroll eligible children in health insurance programs.



After-school programs that provide opportunity for physical activity and encourage healthy habit formation will be promoted and encouraged.



The development of family wellness nights to teach and promote physical activity and wellness is encouraged.



With regard to employee wellness:



Employees will have an opportunity to attend health screenings and complete a personal health assessment.



The District will provide educational activities to address health needs of its employees.



The District will provide an Employee Assistance Program for all employees.



Employees will have the opportunity to complete a needs and interest survey annually.



Health and wellness professional development will be available to all employees with applicable inservice points.



Health related information will be shared with staff via newsletters, emails, and other communication vehicles in order to positively impact the school board community.



Disease management programs will be available.

Each school location will have a local wellness policy team comprised of school staff, families, and students that will require compliance with this policy as well as facilitate a healthy school environment and report to the district wellness policy committee regarding the success of the school’s wellness efforts.

The Board designates the Superintendent as the individual(s) charged with operational responsibility for measuring and evaluating the District's implementation and progress under this policy. The Superintendent shall develop administrative procedures necessary to implement this policy.

Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board shall appoint members of a committee who will review this policy annually. The committee shall include representative(s) of the Board, the administration, the food and nutrition services, health education, physical education, and wellness departments, parents, students, and the public. After measuring and evaluating the progress towards achieving the goals set forth herein, the committee shall submit a report to the Superintendent and Board that includes a summary of their evaluation and lists any recommended changes to this policy.

42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.
42 U.S.C. 1771 et seq.
F.S. 595.405, 1001.41, 1001.42, 1001.43, 1003.453
F.A.C. 5P-1.003

Revised 10/6/15
Technical Change 9/9/16

© Neola 2016