The School Board of Polk County
Bylaws & Policies
Unless a specific policy has been amended and the date the policy was revised is noted at the bottom of that policy, the bylaws and policies of The School Board of Polk County were adopted on November 12, 2013 and were in effect beginning November 12, 2013.


The School Board recognizes its responsibility, in certain circumstances, to maintain information created, maintained or otherwise stored by the District outside the "Records Retention Schedule" in AP 8310A. In such situations, a "Litigation Hold" procedure will be utilized to identify and preserve information relevant to a specific matter. "Information" includes both paper documents and electronically stored information ("ESI"). When implementing the "Litigation Hold," the District will identify individuals in possession or custody of paper documents, ESI and electronic media containing ESI, and inform them of their obligation to preserve the documents and ESI outside the "Records Retention Schedule" in AP 8310A. The District will also identify third parties with custody or control over paper documents, ESI, or electronic media storing ESI, and request them to preserve that information. All information falling within a "Litigation Hold," which is under the control of the District, must be preserved in a readily accessible form and cannot be disposed of under the "Records Retention and Disposal" requirements of AP 8310E. Failure to comply with a Litigation Hold notice may result in disciplinary action, up to and including possible termination.

Instances where the Board must maintain information outside the "Records Retention Schedule" in AP 8310A include:

 A.when the Board has specific information and/or written notice from an individual, parent or student of an intent to file an appeal of student discipline to State court;

 B.when the Board has specific information and/or written notice that litigation is imminent even though the litigation has not yet been filed in Federal or State court;

 C.when the Board is served with litigation, including, but not limited to, notice of a lawsuit in Federal or State court, or notice of a student disciplinary appeal to State court;

 D.when the Board receives specific information and/or written notification from an employee, labor union, or other person of an intent to file a claim against the Board, its members, employees or agents at an administrative agency such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Florida Employment Relations Commission, U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, State Personnel Board of Review, or a Civil Service Commission regarding a claim against the Board, its members, employees or agents;

 E.when the Board receives specific information and/or written notification from an administrative agency such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Florida Employment Relations Commission, U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, State Personnel Board of Review, or a Civil Service Commission regarding a claim against the Board, its members, employees or agents;

 F.when the Board receives written notification from a third party requesting that the Board maintain information that could be at issue in litigation or potential litigation against that third party;

 G.when the Superintendent recommends the termination of an employee to the Board pursuant to a labor contract;

 H.when the Board explores, contemplates or initiates litigation.


"Documents" includes, but is not limited to, writings, drawings, graphs, charts, photographs, blueprints, sound recordings, images and other data or data compilations stored in any medium from which information can be obtained or translated if necessary.

Initiation and Removal of a "Litigation Hold"

The Board or the Superintendent may initiate a "Litigation Hold" under this policy. If the Superintendent initiates a "Litigation Hold," s/he or the Board's legal counsel will notify the Board of the reason the Litigation Hold was instituted and its scope. When implementing a Litigation Hold, the Board or Superintendent may utilize an Electronically Stored Information Team ("ESI Team"). The Board's legal counsel shall be involved in implementation of the "Litigation Hold Procedure" outlined in AP 8315.

A "Litigation Hold" shall remain in place until removed by the Board. A "Litigation Hold" may be removed when the litigation or administrative agency matter has been resolved or can no longer be initiated. Any information maintained under this policy shall fall back under the "Records Retention Schedule" in AP 8310A once the "Litigation Hold" is removed.

The Superintendent shall develop administrative procedures outlining the procedures to be followed by Board members and employees when initiating and implementing a "Litigation Hold." This policy and its related administrative procedures shall be posted and distributed in the manner described in AP 8315.

Federal Rules of Civil Procedures 34, 37f

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