The School Board of Polk County
Bylaws & Policies
Unless a specific policy has been amended and the date the policy was revised is noted at the bottom of that policy, the bylaws and policies of The School Board of Polk County were adopted on November 12, 2013 and were in effect beginning November 12, 2013.


The School Board believes that Board-owned equipment is a valuable resource that may be loaned for community use under certain conditions only, provided that such use does not infringe on the original and necessary purpose of the equipment or interfere with the educational program of the District.

The Board may lend specific items of equipment on the written request of the user and approval granted by the Superintendent.

The user of Board-owned equipment shall be fully liable for any damage or loss occurring to the equipment during the period of its use, and shall be responsible for its safe return. The use of Board-owned equipment off school property is subject to the same rules and conditions of use that are in effect when the equipment is used on school property.

A Board employee may use Board-owned technology including personal digital assistants ("PDAs"); laptop computers; and other technology devices for school use off of school property. Technology devices owned by the Board may contain personally identifiable information about District students and/or staff. Federal and State laws prohibiting disclosure of such personally identifiable information apply to electronic records stored on technology devices. Board employees are advised to exercise caution when transferring personally identifiable information onto disks, flash drives, and other technology devices. A Board employee who loses or misuses student or staff personally identifiable information will be subject to disciplinary action as determined by the Board.

Personal use of Board equipment or facilities by staff or students will be in accordance with the Superintendent's administrative procedures.

F.S. 1001.43, 1001.51

© Neola 2007