The School Board of Polk County
Bylaws & Policies
Unless a specific policy has been amended and the date the policy was revised is noted at the bottom of that policy, the bylaws and policies of The School Board of Polk County were adopted on November 12, 2013 and were in effect beginning November 12, 2013.


It is necessary that a student be in attendance throughout the school day in order to benefit fully from the educational program of the District.

The School Board recognizes, however, that from time-to-time compelling circumstances require that a student be late to school or dismissed before the end of the school day.

As the agent responsible for the education of the children of this District, the Board shall require that the school be notified in advance by request of the student's parent, which shall state the reason for the tardiness or early dismissal. A tardy is the absence of any student at the start of class. Excused and unexcused tardies will be defined the same as excused and unexcused absences. Students cannot be suspended out-of-school for unexcused tardies.

For the purpose of a truancy petition for elementary students, three (3) unexcused tardies, and/or unexcused early dismissals will constitute one (1) unexcused absence. For students attending a secondary school, unexcused absence for more than fifty percent (50%) of a school day shall be recorded as a full day of unexcused absence for truancy report purposes.

No student shall be permitted to leave school prior to dismissal at the request of or in the company of anyone other than a school employee, a police officer with judicial authority, a court official, or the parents of the student unless the permission of the parent or guardian of record be first secured. Parents or guardians may have access to the student or may grant permission to allow the student to leave school prior to dismissal unless the school has been provided with evidence that there is a legally binding instrument or court order governing such matters as divorce, separation, or custody which provides to the contrary. The parent of primary residential custody shall determine in writing, the individual(s) the student may be released into the care of, unless otherwise stated in or by a court order.

No student shall be sent from school grounds to perform an errand or act as a messenger except with the approval of the principal and only for urgent and necessary school business and with the consent of the student's parents or guardians.

No student who has a medical disability which may be incapacitating may be released without a person to accompany him/her.

No student shall be released to anyone who is not authorized such custody by the parents.

F.S. 1001.43

Revised 11/13/18

© Neola 2004