Perry Local School District
Bylaws & Policies


The Board of Education appreciates the efforts of all organizations whose objectives are to enhance the educational experiences of District students, to help meet educational needs of students and/or provide extra educational benefits not provided for, at the time, by the Board.

District support organizations are defined as any non-profit entity, group, or other organization formed and operating for the purpose of supporting District programs.

The Board shall offer the opportunity for any authorized school support entity to receive coverage under the District's liability insurance program to protect the entity against claims resulting from damage or injury resulting from any act or omission of any school-support entity. The entity shall pay for such coverage upon written notification from the Treasurer.

The following rules and procedures shall govern the working relationships between the Board, administration, and any District support organization:

 A.In addition to parents, membership should be made available to District staff and members of the community.

 B.Each District support organization shall work in cooperation with the principal and other staff members and shall abide by the policies of the Board.

 C.It shall be the responsibility of each District support organization to monitor its activities to assure compliance with Board Policy.

 D.Each District support organization will submit its bylaws to the Superintendent for review and approval.

 E.Each District support organization is encouraged to set goals that are consistent with those of the particular programs, activities or sports being supported as articulated by the coach/advisor and/or athletic director of such program, activity or sport, to avoid duplication of effort and to maximize the benefit to the organization or group.

 F.The activities of District support organizations shall not involve the use of public funds and the District shall not assume responsibility for any purchases made on behalf of any support organization governed by this policy. The school district tax identification number shall not be used for District support organization purchases.

 G.Each District support organization must abide by the policies and guidelines established for the use of District facilities and grounds. Projects that require any modification or alteration to District property must be pre-approved by the Superintendent.

 H.Proceeds from District support organization fund-raisers shall not be commingled with a student activity or other Board accounts. Board employees who commingle such proceeds with a student activity or other Board account shall be subject to discipline.

 I.The Superintendent shall implement administrative guidelines that require each District support organization's fund-raising activities be in compliance with Board policies and that the funds generated by such fund-raising activities and donated to the District are used for school-related projects that have the approval of the Superintendent and principal.

R.C. 3313.203

Adopted 5/19/93
Revised 8