Perry Local School District
Bylaws & Policies


The Board of Education recognizes the advantages of centralized purchasing in that volume buying tends to maximize value for each dollar spent. The Board, therefore, encourages the administration to seek advantages in savings that may accrue to this District through joint agreements for the purchase of supplies, equipment or services with the governing body(s) of other governmental units.

The Board authorizes the Director of Business Operations to negotiate such joint purchase agreements for services, supplies and equipment which may be determined to be required from time to time by the Board and which the Board may otherwise lawfully purchase for itself, with governmental contracting units as may be appropriate in accordance with State law, the policies of this Board, and the dictates of sound purchasing procedures.

A completed DMA form with no positive indications that material assistance has been provided to a terrorist organization is required of each person or entity with whom the Board intends to enter into a contract that amounts to an aggregate of greater than $100,000 annually.

A private person or entity with whom the Board enters into frequent contracts may apply for pre-certification. Pre-certification is specific to the District and is effective for one (1) year at time.

R.C. 125.04, 167.01 et seq., 2909.33, 3313.812

Revised 2/27/07