Perry Local School District
Bylaws & Policies


An optional plan to meet the recognized educational needs of a student may be approved by the Superintendent subject to the following requirements being met prior to the implementation of the plan.

 A.Written instructional plan, including



  3.Criteria and methods of student performance appraisal, signed by the student, the student's parent or guardian (if the student is a minor), and the licensed teacher who will supervise and evaluate the student

 B.Written statement of how the optional plan will be applied toward the granting of credit, signed by the student, the student's parent or guardian (if the student is a minor), and the appropriate building principal

 C.Written statement to the effect that the optional plan is consistent with local district policy and State minimum standard 3301-35-02, signed by the appropriate building principal

Options include, but are not limited to, tutorial program, independent study, educational travel, mentorship programs, summer school, early college entrance, etc. These program may not be utilized by a student to avoid taking required courses offered in the school's regular program. Credit will be granted to the student upon complete evaluation of the program.

Under the tutoring option, the student must meet with the tutor a minimum of twenty (20) clock hours and be assigned additional work that shall make a total of sixty (60) clock hours for each one-half unit of credit.

A.C. 3301-35-02(C)