Monroe Local School District
Bylaws & Policies


 A.Pre-numbered tickets shall be used with ALL events for which admission is charged (including athletic events, dances, concerts, plays, prom or season passes). Ticket colors will be changed with each sport or event.

 B.The Athletic Director will be responsible for the color and rolls of tickets at every athletic event. The last ticket of one (1) roll will be attached to the tally sheet, and the first ticket of the next roll will be used at the next event of the same sport. Each sport will be assigned a color and different roles will be used for adult and children’s tickets if there are different prices.

 C.Unused tickets shall be stored in a secure location.

 D.The Ticket Tally Sheet or Season Pass Tally Sheet will be used to report and reconcile the number of tickets sold and the funds collected.

 E.A minimum of two (2) people (ticket seller, ticket taker) are required to work at each event.

 F.The Athletic Director or his/her designee and the school Treasurer’s office shall verify the beginning and ending numbers of tickets and reconcile it to the money collected. Discrepancies must be resolved.

 G.All cash collected must be deposited intact with the Athletic Director or his/her designee.

 H.Complimentary Season Passes or Tickets may be issued to certain individuals provided the granting of passes furthers the schools purposes. A Principal or Athletic Director may not issue complimentary passes without the express authority of the Board.

Adopted 5/19/14