Monroe Local School District
Bylaws & Policies


The Board of Education recognizes and values parents and families as children's first teachers and decision-makers in education. The Board believes that student learning is more likely to occur when there is an effective partnership between the school and the student's parents and family. Such a partnership between the home and school and greater involvement of parents in the education of their children generally result in higher academic achievement, improved student behavior, and reduced absenteeism.

In accordance with statute and the State Board of Education Parent and Family Involvement Policy, use of the term "families" is used in order to include children's primary caregivers, who are not their biological parents, such as foster caregivers, grandparents, and other family members.

In cultivating partnerships with families and communities, the Board is committed to the following:

 A.Relationships with Families
  cultivating school environments that are welcoming, supportive, and student-centered. 4

 B.Effective Communication

  1.providing information to families about school policies, procedures, programs, and activities; 2,3, 4

  2.promoting regular and open communication between school personnel and students' family members; 1, 4

  3.communicating with families in a format and language that is understandable, to the extent practicable; 2,3

  4.providing information and involving families in monitoring student progress. 3

 C.Volunteer Opportunities
  providing volunteer opportunities for families to support their children's school activities. 1,3

 D.Learning at Home
  offering training and resources to help families learn strategies and skills to support at-home learning and success in school. 1,2,3,4

 E.Collaborating with the Community
  building constructive partnerships and connecting families with community-based programs and other community resources. 2,3,4


The Superintendent will provide for a comprehensive plan to engage parents, families, and community members in a partnership in support of each student's academic achievement, the District's continuous improvement, and individual school improvement plans. The plan will provide for annual evaluation, with the involvement of parents and families, of the plan's effectiveness and identification of barriers to participation by parents and families. Evaluation findings will be used in the annual review of the Parent and Family Involvement policy and to improve the effectiveness of the District plan.

1Indicates R.C. 3312.472 State Requirements
2Indicates IDEA 2004 Section 650 & 644 parent involvement requirements
3Indicates Title I Section 1118 parent involvement requirements
4Indicates State Board Parent and Family Involvement Policy recommendations

R.C. 3313.472

Revised 6/28/10