Mechanicsburg Exempted Village School District
Bylaws & Policies


It is the intent of the Board of Education that the District annually meet the specified number of performance indicators established by the State Board of Education to be designated as an "Excellent" School District.

The Superintendent shall develop a plan annually that outlines the steps the District needs to take if at least the required percentage of students is to meet or exceed the performance levels established by the State Board of Education for each of the performance indicators.

S/He shall also estimate the additional resources that will or may be necessary to be able to implement the annual plan and the annual cost to the District to provide such resources. These estimated costs shall then be incorporated into the budget proposals submitted to the Board each year and identified as such.

Maintaining a designation as an "Excellent with Distinction" School District will require both the understanding and support of parents and the community at large. Thus it will be the responsibility of the Superintendent to establish and maintain a communications program to the community to keep them informed of the current performance status of the District and the resources that are needed to become an "Excellent with Distinction" District.

R.C. 3302.02, 3302.03