Lakeland School Corporation
Administrative Guidelines


The Superintendent establishes these administrative guidelines to assist in the proper implementation of Policy 2260.

That policy states that the Board does not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or genetic information in its programs and activities, or employment.

The following person(s) have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies of the Corporation or to address any complaint of discrimination:

Name and/or Title: Assistant Superintendent

Address: 200 S. Cherry Street, LaGrange, IN 46761

Telephone No.: 260-499-2400

Notice of the Board's policy on nondiscrimination in educational practices shall be posted throughout the Corporation, published in any Corporation statement regarding the availability of educational services, and in all student handbooks.

Children who have been diagnosed as having a disability and who, through a multi-factored evaluation, qualify for categorical services under IDEIA will be served under the existing State Special Education regulations. Section 504 protects and safeguards all students with a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one (1) or more major life activities, or:

 A.the student has a record of such an impairment.

 B.the student is regarded as having such an impairment.

The Corporation will identify, evaluate, and provide an appropriate education for students who are disabled under Section 504.


The educational program of this Corporation shall be accessible to all students. All programs need to be designed and scheduled so the location or nature of the facility or area will not deny an otherwise-qualified student the opportunity to participate in the academic or other school program on the same basis as a nondisabled student.

Service dogs for students who require this type of assistance shall be permitted access to all facilities, programs, and events of the Corporation. The student must provide evidence of the dog's certification for that purpose. If the dog is still in training, proof of liability insurance policy must be provided.


The educational program includes the academic and nonacademic setting. Each qualified, disabled student shall be educated with nondisabled students to the maximum extent appropriate. In the nonacademic setting, the disabled student shall participate with the nondisabled students to the maximum extent appropriate.

Each principal shall verify that the procedures used with students and parents for selection of and participation in any part of the Corporation's academic, co-curricular, or extra-curricular program do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. (See AG 2411 - Guidance and Counseling).

Referral (see Form 2260.01A F4)

Referrals shall be handled in accordance with AG 2260.01A. If the referring person suspects that the student is eligible for services through IDEIA, the procedures for identification, evaluation, and placement must be followed. If the IDEIA evaluation team determines the child is ineligible under IDEIA, the team may determine the student's eligibility for protection and a free appropriate public education (FAPE) under Section 504. If s/he is eligible, a Section 504 Plan shall be developed as appropriate.

If the referring person does not suspect an IDEIA disability or has knowledge that the student does not qualify under IDEIA, the student shall be evaluated in accordance with the Section 504 evaluation procedures (AG 2260.01A).


Prior to evaluation, the Building Principal shall notify the parent and obtain written consent of the parent.

The Section 504 evaluation shall be handled in accordance with AG 2260.01A.

If the team determines that the student is disabled under 504, it will determine whether the student requires a Section 504 Plan in order to receive FAPE. If s/he does, the team will develop a Section 504 Plan (see Form 2260.01A F13).

If the 504 team determines that the student is not disabled under 504, it shall document the decision, provide the basis of the decision, and state that the student may be served appropriately in the regular education setting without related services or special interventions. The parents shall be provided with written notice of their rights under Section 504 (see Form 2260.01A F13 - Notice of Section 504/ADA Procedural Information and Rights).


Because of the least-restrictive, environment requirements, the principal should review AG 2260.01A and AG 2260.01B and then work with the teacher(s) involved to make sure s/he (each):

 A.recognizes the requirements of the law and the relationship between the evaluation of the student and his/her instruction;

 B.has made appropriate accommodation in the instructional program and/or classroom environment as provided in the student's 504 Plan;

 C.understands the needs of the students which should be met through appropriate instruction.

Evaluation/Change in Placement

Annually, the student's 504 team shall review the student's progress and determine if further intervention and/or modification in the plan is needed.


The disciplinary process described in Policy 2461 should be used in all situations in which a 504-disabled student may be subject to suspension, expulsion, or exclusion. Since expulsion or cumulative forms of suspension may constitute a change in placement, the evaluation procedures in AG 2260A must be followed.


If a student, disabled only under Section 504, is caught with drugs at school, s/he may be disciplined in accordance with AG 5610. The disciplinary procedures required for IDEIA do not apply.


All complaints should be handled in accordance with the procedure described in AG 2260B and AG 2260.01B. The complainant is to be informed that s/he may contact the Office of Civil Rights at any time.

Revised 11/11/10