Lake Fenton Community School District
Administrative Guidelines
Table of Contents

5110Student Handbooks
5111Admission to the District
5111.01Homeless Students (Role of the Local Liaison)
5111.02Educational Opportunity for Military Children
5111.03Children and Youth in Foster Care
5112aAdmission to Kindergarten
5112bYoung Kindergarten Programs
5113Admission of Students Participating Under Schools of Choice
5113.02School Choice Options Provided by the No Child Left Behind Act
5114Foreign and Foreign-Exchange Students
5114aForeign Students on Visa (I-20)
5130Withdrawal/Transfer from School
5136Personal Communication Devices
5215Missing Children
5230Early Dismissal
5320Immunization of Students in School
5330Use of Medications
5330aEmergency Medication
5331Students with Special Health Care Needs
5340aStudent Accident/Illness/Concussion
5340bHealth Emergencies and First Aid Care
5340dTransportation for Ill or Injured Students
5340.01Concussions and Athletic Activities
5360Recess Guideline for Harsh Weather
5410Promotion, Placement, and Retention
5420bParent-Teacher Conferences
5421cRequest to Change a Teacher's Grade
5430Class Rank
5451aRecognition of Student Achievement
5451bAthletic Award Requirements
5460Graduation Requirements
5460bTesting-Out of a Course
5463Student Transfer from Nonaccredited Schools
5500aStudent Conduct in School
5511Dress and Grooming
5513Care of Property
5514Use of Motor Vehicles
5514aOperation of Vehicles on School Property
5515.01Safe Operation of Motorized Utility Vehicles by Students
5517.02Sexual Violence
5530Drug Prevention
5540aRelationship with Governmental Agencies
5600aStudent Discipline
5605aDisciplining Students with Disabilities (IDEA Eligible)
5605bDisciplining a Student with Disabilities
5610Suspension and Expulsion
5610aStudents Subject to Expulsion but not Identified as Eligible for Special Education
5630aAlternatives to Corporal Punishment
5630bUse of Physical Force
5630.01Student Seclusion and Restraint
5722School-Sponsored Student Publications and Productions
5723Student Rights of Expression
5771Search and Seizure
5780Adult Student Rights
5820Student Government
5830Student Fundraising
5850Student Social Events
5860Safety Patrol
5880Public Performances by Students