Greenwood Community School Corporation
Bylaws & Policies


The School Board acknowledges the right of its professional staff members, as citizens in a democratic society, to speak out on issues of public concern. When those issues are related to the Corporation, however, the professional staff member's expression must be balanced against the interests of this Corporation.

The following guidelines are adopted by the Board to help clarify and, therefore, avoid situations in which the professional staff member's expression could conflict with the Corporation's interests. In situations in which the professional staff member is not engaged in the performance of professional duties s/he should:

 A.state clearly that his/her expression represents personal views and not necessarily those of the School Corporation;

 B.refrain from expressions that would disrupt harmony among co-workers or interfere with the maintenance of discipline by school officials;

 C.refrain from making public expressions which s/he knows to be false or are made without regard for truth or accuracy;

 D.not make threats against co-workers, supervisors, or Corporation officials.

Violations of these guidelines may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

I.C. 20-28-10-14