Greenwood Community School Corporation
Bylaws & Policies


The School Board supports an education program designed to provide students with learning experiences to develop knowledge and skills to enter the labor force or career and technical post-secondary programs.

For purposes of this policy, "career and technical education" shall be defined as a program designed to provide educational experiences and guidance for students to plan and prepare for a future: the labor market as employable individuals immediately after graduation with productive, saleable skills; education beyond high school with the opportunity to gain a marketable job skill(s) that will assist them in achieving career goals; the world of work while continuing their education in order to help offset higher education expenses.

The Board shall provide, in cooperation with the Central Nine Career Center, a career and technical education program which may include Business, Marketing, and Information Technology, Engineering and Technology Education, Family and Consumer Science, Health Science Education, Trade and Industrial Education, and Work Based Learning.

Specific courses in each subject area are to conform to the prescribed courses outlined in the Indiana Department of Education State Approved Course Titles and Descriptions. All instructors shall meet the requirements established by State law for teaching a course for which graduation credit is awarded.

Students may receive dual credit for any course in the career and technical education program that has been approved for such credit and is in compliance with Indiana law and Policy 2271.

The Board directs that any efforts to recruit students to participate in a particular career and technical program must include literature and comparable recruitment efforts for disabled students in a format and context in which they can communicate.

The career and technical education program may include a shared-time program outside of school and a work-study program involving the employment of qualified students.

The work study programs are available to students without regard for race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. The Superintendent is to ensure that application forms for work-study programs contain a notice of nondiscrimination and that each employer associated with a work-study program has provided an assurance of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, and disability prior to the time the students are selected and/or assigned.

I.C. 20-19-2-17, 20-37-2-1 et seq.
511 IAC 8
511 IAC 6-10

Revised 10/20/15
Revised 11/15/16

© Neola 2016