Greenwood Community School Corporation
Bylaws & Policies


In compliance with the Indiana Code, the School Board directs the Superintendent to prepare, implement, and supervise courses of instruction in the following areas as stipulated in the Indiana Code and the regulations of the State Department of Education:

 A.The Constitution of the United States and Indiana in grades 6 through 12

 B.the system of government in Indiana and the United States, methods of voting, party structures, election laws, and the responsibilities of citizen participation in government and in elections in grades 6 through 12

 C.American History in high school education in grade 8

 E.the principles of hygiene and sanitary science

 F.the spread of disease by rats, flies, and mosquitoes, and its effects, and of disease prevention by the proper selection and consumption of food

 G.the nature of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, prescription drugs, narcotics, and their effects on the human system and society at large in grades K through 12

 H.Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), and to the extent possible, instruction on other dangerous communicable diseases

 I.instruction on human sexuality or sexually transmitted diseases including instruction that abstinence from sexual activity outside of marriage as the expected standard for all school age children, abstinence is the only certain way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, and other associated health problems, and the best way to avoid sexually-transmitted diseases and other associated health problems is to establish a mutually faithful monogamous relationship in the context of marriage

 J.instruction regarding breast and testicular cancer, including the significance of early detection through self-examination, and in the case of breast cancer, regularly-scheduled mammograms in high school, employment matters, and work values in grades 1 - 12

 L.human donor program and blood donor program as part of the high school health education curriculum

 M.good citizenship instruction

 N.personal financial responsibility in grades 6 through 12

 O.bullying prevention instruction not later than October 15 of each school year in grades 1 through 12 (see also Policy 5517.01)

 P.daily physical activity, which may include recess for students in full day kindergarten programs and other students in elementary school violence instruction including warning signs, basic principles of prevention, and methods of parent education and outreach for grades 6 through 12 (see also Policy 5517.01)

 R.child abuse and child sexual abuse education for grades 2 through 5 during the 2017 – 2018 school year, and for grades K through 12 by December 15 of each school year beginning with the 2018 – 2019 school year (see also Policy 8462) and security while using e-mail, chat rooms, social media, and other forms of direct electronic communications (see Policy 7540.03)

 T.the dangers inherent with the online disclosure of personally identifiable information (see Policy 7540.03)

 U.the consequences of unauthorized access (e.g. "hacking"), cyberbullying and other unlawful or inappropriate activities by students online (see Policy 7540.03)

 V.morals instruction

 W.instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and use of an automated external defibrillator as part of the high school health education curriculum

 X.instruction in Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Sciences, Fine Arts, Health Education and beginning after June 30, 2021 computer science

The Superintendent shall prepare appropriate guidelines relative to the planning, teaching, and evaluation of these courses and ensure that each teacher present his/her instruction with special emphasis on honesty, morality, courtesy, obedience to the law, respect for the national flag, the constitutions of the United States and Indiana, respect for parents and the home, the dignity and necessity of honest labor, and other lessons of a steadying influence, which tend to promote and develop upright and desirable citizenry.

The Superintendent is prohibited from offering, supporting, or promoting any student program, class, or activity that provides student instruction that is contrary to a curriculum required to be provided to students under I.C. 20-30-5, set forth above.

When required by law, the Board shall approve the course of instruction prior to its use in the classroom.

I.C. 20-19-3-10 and 11
I.C. 20-30-5
511 IAC Article 6
47 U.S.C. 254(h), Children's Internet Protection Act
15 U.S.C. 6551, Title II of the Broadband Data Improvement Act (aka Protecting
Children in the 21st Century Act)
18 U.S.C. 2246
18 U.S.C. 2256
20 U.S.C. 6801 et seq., Part F, Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as
amended (2003)
20 U.S.C. 6777
20 U.S.C. 9134 (2003)
47 C.F.R. Part 54

Revised 10/21/14
Revised 3/17/15
Revised 5/17/16
Revised 10/9/18
Revised 3/12/19

© Neola 2018