Greater Clark County School Corporation
Bylaws & Policies


The Board of School Trustees recognizes that the buildings and grounds of the Corporation are primarily for public school purposes. However, school officials recognize the benefit of having a limited open forum with regard to the use of school buildings, grounds, and/or facilities in order to provide additional opportunities to the youth it serves and the community in general. As such, opportunities will be provided for use of school facilities during non-school hours by eligible organizations. In order to establish by whom, when, and how the facilities may be used the following rules shall apply.

 A.All eligible entities desiring to use any Greater Clark facility must complete a building use form, which is available at, all school buildings, the Auxiliary Services Building, and/or the Administration Building. The request should be submitted to the administrator at the location being requested.

  1.The individual signing the application form shall be in attendance (or another specifically named and designated person) on behalf of the organization throughout the stated hours and dates of usage and shall be responsible to school officials for the proper use of the facilities.

  2.The entity authorized to use the facility shall provide:

   a.proof of not-for-profit status, if applicable;

   b.proof of liability insurance, and

  3.The entity authorized to use the facility shall be responsible for reimbursing the Corporation for damages or theft to the buildings, grounds, or equipment.

   a.The appraisal of any damage shall be by the School Corporation.

   b.This appraisal shall be the final determination in all cases of damage or misuse.

  4.In case of accident or injury that occurs during the entity’s use of the facility, the entity shall furnish the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee (CFO) with a full written report of the incident and shall assume all liability for such incident. Failure to comply with this provision will result in the entity being denied the opportunity for continued or future use of the facility.

 B.Buildings and facilities used by students are not available for community use when schools are in session or when they are engaged for school purposes. Greater Clark County Schools’ programs will always have priority use of all school buildings, facilities, and grounds. However, to the greatest extent possible, persons/entities receiving permission to use a GCCS building or facility, who have made the request not earlier than ninety (90) days or later than two (2) weeks before the event, will be able to use the requested location without fear of the permission being cancelled.

 C.There is to be at least one (1) custodian on site during all functions in the school buildings. Any organization approved to use school buildings, grounds, equipment, or facilities is required to have security officers, parking lot attendants, and persons for the supervision of both event participants and spectators, as are needed or applicable to the event being conducted.

 D.The Superintendent of Schools, building administrator or Director of Facilities shall have the right to designate the most appropriate location for the activity for which a school building, grounds, or facility is being requested. The use of any Greater Clark facility shall be strictly confined to the areas designated in the permit.

 E.Any organization approved to use any GCCS building or facility is required to have sufficient staff or volunteers at the site during the entire time that the facility is reserved in order to properly monitor and supervise not only the participants; but also the spectators, visitors, and guests in attendance. Any organization using any GCCS building or facility is responsible for insuring that participants, spectators, visitors, and guests attending the event remain in the area reserved and are not allowed to enter any other part of the building or facility.

 F.The Board reserves the right to authorize the use of facilities without charge to eligible organizations upon good cause shown.

 G.The Board may authorize the spontaneous, casual use of playgrounds by small community groups without charge, provided the use does not interfere with school or scheduled activities. However, regularly scheduled events using school grounds requires a permit and may be subject to fees associated with such use. The term "playground" does not include specialized athletic fields and sports areas. No person, firm, and/or group (other than school service or contracted personnel) will be permitted to drive, move, or ride any motor vehicle, horse, wagon, bicycle, or heavy equipment in or upon any school playground except for those paved areas such as drives or parking areas. No racing of any type shall be permitted.

 H.The Board does not wish to compete unfairly with private enterprise. The district reserves the right to reject any application for use of a school facility when it believes a commercial facility should be patronized.

 I.By adopting this policy, the Board authorizes a building principal and/or the Director of Facilities to deny use to renters who have past due accounts in the two (2) years prior to the application date or who have caused damage to school buildings, grounds, or equipment during a prior use for which the costs of repairs has not been paid.

 J.The Board is always interested in partnering with local businesses and organizations for the benefit of students, parents, faculty, staff members and the School Corporation. That relationship needs to be one that provides some direct benefit to the School Corporation and must be approved in advance by the Board or the Superintendent, as the Board’s designee.

 K.Although the Board recognizes the benefits of partnering with local businesses and organizations as stated in item J, it will not allow the use of school time or school facilities in connection with any private parties, weddings or social events, political purposes or for individual financial profit (including tutoring services performed outside the school day, teaching of classes for a university or college, selling items including but not limited to Avon, Longaberger, Tupperware, Pampered Chef, jewelry sales, or other similar products).

 L.An exception to the use limitations as set out in item K will be for the operation of programs related to wellness activities for the general improvement of physical health and well-being for students, faculty, and staff members. Groups interested in providing wellness activities in buildings or school grounds must comply with regulations associated with this policy and shall be approved for operation in advance of making an application for the use of a GCCS facility by the Superintendent of Schools.

 M.The school administration shall promulgate and shall from time to time review regulations and fee schedules for non-school use of the Corporation’s buildings, grounds, or facilities.

 N.No food, refreshments, or food service equipment shall be brought into a rented facility without written permission accompanying the approval of the building rental application. Rental of a cafeteria does not include the use of the kitchen area. Rates are for the use of the dining portion of the area only and do not include the use of the kitchen equipment, serving line, cost of food, or the cost of trained personnel, if such services are needed. If any equipment from the kitchen is to be used, the presence of school-trained cafeteria personnel will be required to assure safe and efficient operation of the equipment and to comply with state and/or federal laws. A full and complete explanation of the items needed must be included with the submission of the rental application.

 O.Users shall not possess, consume, or distribute alcoholic beverages or other controlled substances, nor shall any betting occur, at any function on Corporation premises.

 P.Raffles and similar forms of fundraising may be permitted only when specifically authorized in advance by the Superintendent pursuant to Policy 9700 – Relations with Special Interest Groups.

 Q.Equipment and/or personal items brought onto GCCS property for the event, belonging to the sponsoring organization or a member/participant of said organization, are not covered by GCCS insurance. GCCS is not responsible for the storage of any equipment or personal items left on the property at the conclusion of the event and have the right to dispose of said equipment or personal items.

 R.In the event that the applicant or sponsoring organization elects to cancel a planned event, notification shall be provided to the building principal or approving GCCS official within forty-eight (48) hours of the start time of the event. If no notification is provided, the applicant/sponsoring organization shall pay a $100 cancellation fee.

 S.In the event that the requested facility is unable to be used due to an unforeseen emergency or Greater Clark County Schools are closed due to inclement weather, notice of the cancellation shall be provided to the applicant/sponsoring organization as soon as practical and GCCS officials will work with the organization to select a new event date. The School Corporation reserves the right to determine when inclement weather cancels events, including those scheduled for weekends. It is the applicant or sponsoring organization’s responsibility to check with the principal or approving official on the facility’s availability.

I.C. 20-26-5-1, 20-26-5-4, 20-26-8-1
511 IAC 6-2-1(b)(5)

Revised 8/7/18

© Neola 2018