Grandville Public Schools
Administrative Guidelines


Durable and significant learning by a student is more likely to occur when there is an effective partnership between the school and the student's parents/guardians ("parents"). Such a partnership means a mutual belief in and commitment to significant educational goals for a student, a plan for the means to accomplish those goals, cooperation on developing and implementing solutions to problems that may be encountered, and continuing communication regarding the progress in accomplishing the goal(s). To this end, parents should be meaningfully involved in:

 A.developing and implementing appropriate strategies for helping their child achieve the learning objectives that lead to accomplishing the learning outcomes;

 B.providing a school and home environment which encourages learning and augments, at home, the learning experiences provided by the school;

 C.providing for the proper health, safety, and well-being for their child.

The District is committed to communicating to parents at a level and in a language they can understand, where practicable.

The District shall develop a Parental Involvement Plan by which a school-parent partnership can be established and provided to the parent of each child in the District. The plan must encompass parent participation, through meetings and other forms of communication. The Parental Involvement Plan shall be distributed to all parents and students through publication in the Student Handbook or other suitable means.

The Parental Involvement Plan for the District (with building/program specific goals as desired) shall include, but not be limited to, the following strategies:

 A.Provide child's individual assessment results, reading results, progress reports, report cards, parent conferences.

 B.Arrange flexible scheduled parent/teacher conferences and parent requested conferences.

 C.Schedule at least two (2) student conferences annually with the teacher(s) to inform parents of student's progress.

 D.Distribute periodic newsletters from teachers informing parents of upcoming District events and curriculum being taught.

 E.Make calls, use e-mail letters as needed for teachers and administrators to communicate with parents.

 F.Distribute home language surveys annually to identify students for whom English is a second language to provide a means for developing individualized instruction when needed.

 G.Encourage continued positive partnerships involvement throughout the community by staff and administrators.

 H.Establish after school academic clubs to provide students additional opportunities to develop skills.

 I.Have the District's high school students offer tutoring through the National Honor Society upon request.

 J.Have students perform at various functions throughout the community.

 K.Encourage parents to serve as chaperones for class field trips and other school activities.

Relations with Parents

The District encourages parents to assume and exercise responsibility for their children's behavior, including the behavior of students who have reached the legal age of majority, but are still supported by the parent. During the school hours, the District, through its designated administrators, recognizes the responsibility to monitor students' behavior and, as with academic matters, the importance of cooperation between the school and the parents in matters relating to conduct.

For the benefit of the child, the District encourages parents to support their child's career in school by:

 A.participating in school functions, organizations and committees;

 B.supporting the teachers and the schools in maintaining discipline and a safe and orderly learning environment;

 C.requiring their child to observe all school rules and regulations;

 D.supporting or enforcing consequences for their child's willful misbehavior in school;

 E.sending their children to school with proper attention to his/her health, personal cleanliness, and dress;

 F.maintaining an active interest in their child's daily work, monitoring and making it possible for him/her to complete assigned homework by providing a quiet place and suitable conditions for study;

 G.reading all communications from the school, signing, and returning them promptly when required;

 H.cooperating with the school in attending conferences set up for the exchange of information of their child's progress in school.

Approved 9/22/10