Genesee Intermediate School District
Bylaws & Policies


The Board recognizes the advantages of centralized purchasing in that volume buying tends to maximize value for each dollar spent.

The Board, therefore, authorizes the appropriate administrators to provide savings that may accrue to the District and the constituent local districts through joint purchase of supplies, equipment, or services.

The Board, therefore, encourages the administration to seek advantages in savings that may accrue to this District through cooperative purchasing with the governing body(ies) of other governmental units.

The Board authorizes the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent for Business Services to create or negotiate such joint purchase agreements with governmental contracting units for services, supplies, and equipment as may be required from time to time by the Board. Such agreements shall be in accordance with State law, the policies of this Board, and the dictates of sound purchasing procedures.

Cooperative or joint purchases require an agreement approved by the Board and the participating contracting body(ies) which shall specify the categories of equipment and supplies to be purchased; the manner of advertising for bids and of awarding contracts; the method of payment by each participating party; and such other matters as may be deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of the agreement. Such agreements are subject to all legal bidding requirements.

M.C.L.A. 124.1 et seq.

Revised 4/28/09