East Muskingum Local School District
Bylaws & Policies



The employment contract of a professional staff member may be suspended and/or terminated in accordance with law, upon a majority vote of the Board of Education, for good and just cause, including disclosing a question to a student on a State-mandated assessment. In such cases, the Board shall abide by due process and statutory procedures.


A professional staff member may resign in accordance with law and district policy.

A resignation, once accepted by the Board, may not then be rescinded.

Reporting Professional Misconduct

The Superintendent (or Board President where either the Superintendent and/or Treasurer has engaged in misconduct) will file a report to the Ohio Department of Education, on forms provided by the Department for that purpose, matters of professional misconduct on the part of licensed professional staff members in those specific circumstances set forth in State law and Policy 8141, including a conviction of the professional staff member of certain enumerated crimes and/or for conduct which is determined to be unbecoming to the teaching profession in conjunction with the non-renewal or termination of a professional staff member, or resignation by a professional staff member under threat of same and/or during the course of an investigation of conduct reasonably determined to be unbecoming the teaching profession.

Reports of any investigation regarding whether or not a professional staff member has committed an act or offense for which the Superintendent or Board President is required to make a report to the Ohio Department of Education shall be kept in the personnel file of the professional staff member. Should the Ohio Department of Education determine that the results of that investigation do not warrant initiating an action suspending, revoking, or otherwise limiting that professional staff member's license or permit, the report(s) of any investigation will be moved to a separate public file.

R.C. 3319.02, 3319.15, 3319.151, 3319.16, 3319.161, 3319.31, 3319.313
R.C. 3319.39
A.C. 3301-73-21

Adopted 7/10/08
Revised 5/15/09
Revised 11/12/09

© Neola 2009