East Muskingum Local School District
Bylaws & Policies


The organization of this District shall be designed to meet the objectives set by the Board of Education, ensure clear lines of authority and responsibility, and define each position with clarity.

The Superintendent shall be the chief executive officer of the School District. The Superintendent shall define and establish those administrative positions required to implement the educational system and program of learning established by the Board. In each case, the Board will approve the broad purpose and function of the position in harmony with State law and regulations.

Administrative Organization Plan

In administering the policies of the East Muskingum Local Board of Education, the Superintendent shall be guided by the knowledge that the Board values a free exchange of ideas both within and outside the framework of direct responsibility.

The following principles shall give the administrative organization of the District:

 A.Responsibility and authority shall flow clearly from the Board of Education, through the Superintendent, to the principals and other administrative staff, to the teachers and other employees, to the students.

 B.Each member of the staff shall be told to whom s/he is responsible and for what function.

 C.Whenever possible, each member of the staff shall be made responsible to only one (1) immediate superior for any one (1) function.

 D.Each staff member shall be told to whom s/he can go for assistance in performing his/her functions in the school program.

 E.Each staff member shall refer matters requiring administrative action to his/her immediate superior in the area in which the situation occurs.

 F.Administrative officers shall refer matters to the next higher authority when appropriate or necessary.

 G.Nothing in this plan is intended to interrupt or in any way inhibit the free flow of information or ideas or prevent assistance among personnel at every level.

School Building Administration

Acting with the approval of the Superintendent and in cooperation with the central office administrators, principals shall be the chief administrators of their schools.

As the educational leader of the neighborhood school, the principal shall have as his/her major responsibility the operation and management of the teaching/learning situation. The principal's goal shall be to provide for the continued improvement of the total educational process so that students may acquire the desire and ability to learn now and through out their lives.

The principal is a member of the management team and accordingly has the responsibility for sharing information and experiences with colleagues and superiors. Though each principal, in conjunction with the assistant Superintendent, is charged with the supervision and direction of the staff assigned to his/her building, and with the care and maintenance of that building's facilities and equipment, there must nonetheless be a consistency of action throughout the various buildings. Accordingly the principal must see that the policies, rules, and regulations of the District and the guidelines for the instructional program are followed.

Within the policies established by the Board, and the general rules and regulations set by the Superintendent, the individual principal may establish and enforce such regulations as are necessary for the efficient operation of that building.