Cedar Springs Public School District
Bylaws & Policies


The Board of Education has determined that it may enhance school safety to have an automated external defibrillator (AED) placed in building(s) within the School District.

An AED is a medical device that contains a heart monitor and defibrillator that is used to administer an electric shock through a person's chest wall to the heart. The built-in computer system of the AED assesses the patient's heart rhythm, determines whether defibrillation is needed, and then administers a shock, if necessary. Audible and/or visual prompts guide the user through the process of using the AED.

The Board directs the Superintendent to develop guidelines that govern AEDs, including the use of the AED, placement of the AED, training and oversight by a medical doctor or by the local EMS Medical Director. The Board also directs the Superintendent, in conjunction with the Medical Director, to review the guidelines, as appropriate. The AED devices will be located at school buildings for use by employees with proper AED training.

21 C.F.R. 801.109

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