Cedar Springs Public School District
Bylaws & Policies


Students who are prescribed epinephrine to treat anaphylaxis shall be allowed to self-possess and self-administer the medication if they meet the conditions as stated in Policy 5330.

Commencing with the 2014-15 school year, each school in the District shall have at least two (2) epinephrine auto-injectors (Epi-Pens) available at the school site. It shall be the responsibility of the principal to be sure that the supply of Epi-Pens is maintained at the appropriate level and they have not expired. The principal shall also be responsible for coordinating the training of District employees to administer Epi-Pen injections and to maintain the list of employees authorized to administer such injections.

Individuals Qualified to Administer

Only a licensed, registered professional nurse employed or contracted by the District or a school employee who has successfully passed the required training shall be allowed to possess and administer Epi-Pen injections to students. The persons authorized to use the District maintained Epi-Pens will be maintained in each school by the Principal, and shall be available on an electronically accessible site for employees' reference.

Each school shall have at least one person trained in the appropriate use and administration of an Epi-Pen injection. In each school with ten (10) or more combined instructional and administrative staff, at least two (2) employees at that site shall be appropriately trained in the use of an Epi-Pen.

Training of employees on the appropriate use and administration of an Epi-Pen injection shall be done in accordance with any guidelines provided by the Michigan Department of Education, and shall be conducted under the supervision of a licensed registered professional nurse. The training shall include an evaluation by the nurse of the employees' understanding of the protocols for administering an Epi-Pen injection.

Students to Whom Injections May Be Administered

A licensed, registered, professional nurse or trained and authorized employees under this policy may administer Epi-Pen injections to 1) any student who has a prescription on file with the District, in accordance with the directives in such prescription, and 2) any individual on school grounds who is believed to be having an anaphylactic reaction.

Reporting of Injections

Any person who administers an Epi-Pen injection to a student shall promptly notify the principal, who shall be responsible for promptly notifying the student's parent/guardian that an injection has been administered.

All Epi-Pen injections by District employees to students shall be reported in writing to the District office. The report shall include whether the school's or student's Epi-Pen was used, and whether the student was previously known to be subject to severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis).

The District shall at least annually report to the Department of Education, in the form and manner determined by the Department, information on the number of injections provided to students, the number of injections with District Epi-Pens and the number of incidents where students were not known to be subject to severe allergic reactions.

M.C.L. 380.1178, 380.1179, 380.1179A
Michigan Department of Education, Model Policy and Guidelines for Administering
Medications to Pupils at School

© Neola 2014