Cedar Springs Public School District
Bylaws & Policies


The Board of Education supports the concept of school improvement as established by the State Board of Education and will seek to create and/or maintain effective schools as defined by State guidelines.

In addition to adopting a Mission Statement and Educational Philosophy for the District, the Board shall create, as needed, policies which support the School Improvement Process.

The Superintendent shall establish administrative guidelines which will ensure that the following objectives can be achieved:

 A.School improvement plans which are developed and implemented by school-based teams that work collaboratively so that both building level and District level goals for students can be identified and correlated, and then achieved through effective planning, problem-solving, and assessment. Each such team is to include professional and support staff, students, parents, and representatives of the community.

 B.A District-wide, school-improvement plan which provides for building-level decision-making. Each school's improvement plan is to include a mission statement; goals based on academic outcomes; curriculum aligned to the goals; evaluation procedures; staff development; use of community resources and volunteers; decision-making processes; the role of adult and community education, libraries, and community colleges; and other matters as determined by the Superintendent.

 C.Periodic review and approval by the Superintendent and the Board of each school's modification and improvement of its program based on the school's assessment of student accomplishment of performance objectives and program goals.

 D.Collaboration at both the building and District levels with parents, relevant institutions and groups, especially those in the community, who can support and facilitate school improvement in the District.

Upon approval of a school's initial plan and its later revisions, the Board and Superintendent shall fully support, to the extent that resources allow, the school's educational improvement program.

This improvement program may include co-curricular activities and extra-curricular activities.

M.C.L. 380.1204(a), 380.1277