Cedar Springs Public School District
Administrative Guidelines


In the event the District is designated as "persistently dangerous" or the Board perceives a problem with weapons related or violent incidents, the Board of Education will develop and implement a plan of corrective action in order to reduce the rate of weapon-related incidents and violent criminal offenses that:



occur in or on school grounds (i.e., in or on District buildings, grounds, and bus transportation to and from school, District-sponsored activities and designated bus stops);



result in students being removed from the school.

The plan will be developed within twenty (20) days of the school being designated as persistently dangerous and consider corrective action including, but not limited to, the following:



hiring additional personnel to supervise students in common areas;



increasing instructional activities in areas such as conflict resolution;



working with law enforcement officials to identify and eliminate gang-related activities;



in-service training of teachers and administrators regarding the consistent enforcement of school discipline rules and policies;



limiting access to campus;



hiring additional security personnel and security equipment.

In the event the District is designated as "persistently dangerous" and upon completion and implementation of the plan of corrective action, the Board will apply to the State Board of Education to have the school removed from the list of persistently dangerous schools. However, should the school remain on the list, students will be provided with the opportunity to transfer to a safe school in accordance with Policy 5113.02 and AG 5113.02.

© Neola 2012