Cedar Springs Public School District
Administrative Guidelines




Procedures Leading to Appointment


The third party provider is responsible for maintaining a list of qualified substitutes for all teaching and related positions. Any retired public school individual must go through the District’s hiring process. The District will maintain a list of approved substitutes.


Interested persons are to complete an application form and return it to the third party provider.



In-School Procedures


Each principal is to develop procedures which ensure each substitute has received appropriate instructions, plans, and other resources needed to function properly in the position and the building; and been observed early and regularly in the performance of his/her responsibilities.



Long-Term Substitutes


A person will be considered a long-term substitute if s/he is appropriately certified and the staff member for whom s/he has been hired to replace has a leave which extends for more than ten (10) consecutive school days. The substitute will receive the District predetermined daily increases after ten (10) days and thirty (30) days of consecutive service. The third party provider, with the exception of retired public schools subs, will be notified of the pay change.