Cedar Springs Public School District
Administrative Guidelines


One of the desired educational outcomes of the District is for students to have the prerequisite knowledge, attitude, and skills with which to enter the world of work at some later time in their lives. Board of Education Policy 2220 directs that the administration and staff include as a learning outcome for each course of study that students can demonstrate both willingness and ability to be punctual, to be present regularly at the learning site, to participate in the learning activities, and to complete assignments on time and as directed.

For students to develop these basic "workplace behaviors", teachers will need to emphasize their importance as they conduct learning activities. Such reminders can be part of directions, assignments, learning reviews, and feedback sessions on how well students functioned during activities.

As with other types of learning, one of the most effective strategies for helping students realize the importance of these "workplace behaviors" is for staff to model the behaviors that will be expected of the students.

These attitudes and behaviors are to be made a part of the student's final grade in a course after principals and teachers determine the best method for grading such learnings and their weight relative to academic content of each program. It should be made clear to students at the beginning of each course and prior to the end of each marking period that the "workplace behaviors" will be part of the grade for the course.

The District has prepared a Form 2220 F1 which provides a list of workplace competencies that business and industry considers of primary importance. Surveys of employers indicate they are more interested in young people reflecting these behaviors than in technical knowledge and skill which can be developed by the employer. The form can be used, initially, to help staff formulate learning objectives for the courses of study which will produce the desired outcome. Additionally, the form facilitates the grading of each behavior. Form 2220 F2 has been designed for students to use to help them develop and maintain an awareness of these competencies and to assist teachers and counselors in their discussions with and evaluations of students.

Since the development of good work habits takes time, effort, and continued reinforcement, such learning should start at the elementary level and build with increasing emphasis through the high school programs. The relative grading weight for these behaviors should also increase commensurately.